Z = Brain Electron Impedance. The BAL WAR status reports.

BAL is an ancient language, known today as Basic Assembler Language ---> the military secrets of BALLET = BAL LETTER. The 4 DNA ballet dancers in the picture portray the Double-Helix twist signal.

header photo

The acetylcholine transmission English language WAR casualties at Virginia TECH


Nature has many systems and projects.   One of Nature''s  projects  is then human man and the symbolic brain processor.
Nature does NOT approve of  massive manipulation of the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic computer.

East Coast universities and Virginia TECH with government approval and encouragement  ......   approve of  the usage of   English language WORD commands to attack the eye/ optical nerve/ and brain symbolic processor.   Thus allowed, Madison Avenue advertising and FCC television and radio have mounted a massive attack  upon Nature's special INTELLECTUAL projects.

Nature's military defense systems of molecules and symbolic life have been activated  AND  several major civilian battles have occurred in the United States, Norway,  Belgium, and Italy.


Here  we shall look at  Nature's neuroscience  military defense strategy and counter-attack at Virginia  .... Nature's attempt to protect  the integrity and accuracy of  the  symbolic life of nouns,verbs, math and physics  equations, and chemistry symbolic formula that reside in the human brain bio-computer.

Basically, the Carl  Jung collective unconsciousness of the university collective ...the GROUP MIND    comprised of students, professors, and  university employees and administrators  have violated the quality  control standards of  the social science thought expectation of NATURE per the   various SOCIAL CONTRACTS between MAN and NATURE.

Consequently,  Nature activated the  biochemistry military  molecules and their symbolic life ...as expressed in a basic college biochemistry textbook.

The biochemistry military command words -->  Acetylcholine Neurotransmission

with Darwinian  selection of a subset words---> ..........   choline ..............ansmission    
................... partition neuroscience words --->  .....cho + line ......... ans + mission   
thus giving Darwin selection of a symbol human --> Mr.Cho English line  answer  mission



Acetylcholine    Neurotransmission



Cho Seung-Hui
Background information
Birth name Cho Seung-Hui
Occupation Student


The biochemistry military command words -->  Acetylcholine Neurotransmission


Figure 11.4 is a summary of the biological mechanisms involved in the synthesis, storage secretion, receptor interaction and termination of acetylcholine.  

Click on the region  (Virginia geography region of the cell describing these processes to learn more about each one.




Let's see how Nature took these INTERNAL biochemistry processes and amplified/ enlarged / and transformed the problem CLUES    to a more visible, obvious  EXTERNAL display level on the geography surface  using humanoid display device. 

This process was outlined long ago.

Herbert Spencer

Herbert Spencer's significance in the history of English thought depends on his .... definition of life as the continuous adjustment of internal to external relations, ...

Chapter IV.: The Correspondence Between Life and Its

Herbert Spencer, The Principles of Psychology [1855] ... Author: Herbert Spencer .... form links in the correspondence between internal and external changes. .... life will be—The continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations.




Figure 11.4 is a summary of the biological mechanisms involved in the synthesis, storage secretion, receptor interaction and termination of acetylcholine. Click on the region of the cell describing these processes to learn more about each one.



----> mechanisms  involved in the synthesis, storage secretion  ---> the  violations of the  secret societies at Virginia TECH  created the  tragic EVENT.

Virginia Tech massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Virginia Tech massacre was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in ...
 and termination of acetylcholine --->  the  nueroscience  WAR ordered  suicide of  Mr.CHO.  
Click on the region  (Virginia geography region of the cell describing these processes to learn more about each one.





Introduction to the Cell Biology of the Cholinergic Synapse
Introduction to the Cell Biology of the Cho ............Synapse  and engineering

(Chuck)  Norris Hall shootings per Texas Rangers vision of DR.Teller vision.

Elementary French class students take cover in Holden (Caulfield)  Hall room 212.

Holden Caulfield - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Holden Caulfield is the 17-year-old protagonist of author J. D. Salinger's The ... stands among the most important characters of 20th-century American literature.

About two hours after the initial shootings, acetylcholine AGENT  Cho entered  Norris Hall, which houses
 Nature's brain neuroscience  .......  SOCIAL   Engineering  ...adjustment Science and Mechanics program among others, and chained the three main entrance doors shut



Thus we see clues of Nature's influence upon  human affairs ...... for human nonsense violations of social engineering and brain engineering standards expected by NATURE.

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